Welcome Core Members!
Roots & Edge Intro VideoPreadolescents, tweens, middle schoolers, youth: it doesn’t really matter what you call them, what matters is how you lead them. We understand that middle school youth are going through a lot, but you may be wondering why do they need Edge? This video will address why our middle schoolers, families, and parish need Edge (and Roots).
Life Teen Intro VideoSo often ministry becomes about what we are doing and how we get ministry done. This video will address why a parish does Life Teen and why teens respond to this relational and catechetical model of youth ministry. In this video, Steve Allgeyer shares his passion for Life Teen and the effects he has seen in his years of serving God through the Life Teen movement.
Relational Ministry Part 1: Intro to BasicsRelational Ministry might be a foreign concept to anyone new to youth ministry, but really it’s just a new way of understanding of an old term: evangelization. This training gives examples of how youth ministers and Core Members can reach out to teens at the parish as well as off the parish campus.
Relational Ministry Part 3: Beyond BasicsThis video will provide practical training on how to do intentionally relational ministry and get creative as a Core Team in meeting teens where they are and leading them closer to Christ while honoring the safe environment policies of your local diocese or archdiocese.
Small Groups Part 1: BasicsWe have been there before: sitting on filthy, frigid, gym floors, halogen lights obnoxiously buzzing overhead, deafening silence, and teens avoiding eye contact with you at all costs. Oh, the dreaded small group. This training covers everything from breaking teens into small groups to small group discussion.
Small Groups Part 2: DramatizationThis training covers the basics of facilitating and navigating small group discussions while explaining how to steer the various situations that may arise during small group time. In a dramatized fashion, different personality types and situations emerge that will help bring up ways to handle your next small group.
Small Groups Part 3: Going DeeperThis training will help you take small groups deeper, so that you can eventually lead teens into a deeper relationship with Christ. It’s time to take teens past the Sunday School answers and engage them in a dialogue that leads to true discipleship.