Update Effective 11/4/2022
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have stopped distributing the Precious Blood to all parishioners.
Receiving the Eucharist only in the form of consecrated bread has in no way diminished the full reception of grace during this time. Here at St. John’s, we continue to offer communion in the form of bread only.
We currently do not require the use of face coverings at any of our Masses or events.
We continue to offer masks and hand sanitizer at all entrances and welcome anyone who chooses to wear a face covering to do so.
If things change in the community we will review CDC recommendations and set our protocol accordingly.
Please continue your prayers for an end to the effects of the pandemic in our lives.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have stopped distributing the Precious Blood to all parishioners.
Receiving the Eucharist only in the form of consecrated bread has in no way diminished the full reception of grace during this time. Here at St. John’s, we continue to offer communion in the form of bread only.
We currently do not require the use of face coverings at any of our Masses or events.
We continue to offer masks and hand sanitizer at all entrances and welcome anyone who chooses to wear a face covering to do so.
If things change in the community we will review CDC recommendations and set our protocol accordingly.
Please continue your prayers for an end to the effects of the pandemic in our lives.