Social Justice
Did You Know?
Did you know that each of us is a role model? An example to others in what we do and say?
I would like to share a story of one of my experiences (observations) since arriving in Mankato.
I have responsibility in helping with Simon Ministry. As such, I am present every week when we offer our outreach and support to those people who need some extra help. I am getting to recognize and know some of these people and I have seen them out and about in the community. They are our neighbors. In spending some time in conversation with them, I learn that they struggle with challenges, some of which were not in their control or things got out of control somehow. It was the cards of life that were dealt to them. You might have heard the expression…”God does not give you more than what you can handle”. Or, “…there but for the grace of God, go I.” In the end, it is not for us to judge.
One such individual that I have noticed at Simon Ministry is also someone that I have on repeat occasions seen at Mass here at St. John the Baptist. They clearly recognize the need for God in their life. In this case, I learned that they had an upcoming job interview that they were preparing for.
I have come to realize that our world needs each of us to reach out to our neighbor in need, whether it be a simple kind act, a supportive word, or actual assistance is some way. And remember, our faith calls us to do the same. Jesus said, “…whatever you do for the least of your brothers, you do for me.”
We are called to be Christ for one another. He works through us. So, I invite you to consider being a role model… and offer support and encouragement when and where you can. Simon Ministry is one way for you to do that. Consider volunteering to help or to supply some food for the Simon Ministry effort on Thursdays between 10:30 am and noon. There are several things that you could help with and no experience is necessary.
If you are not available during the day, there will soon be needs for volunteers in the early morning and also the evenings for helping staff the Connections Ministry, which is a joint effort with our neighbor church, St. John’s Episcopal Church in serving the homeless.
Unfortunately, people do make judgements. However, “Did You Know”… that it is our own words and actions that influence whether or not they want to be a part of our church?
What kind of a church do you want ours to be?
If you want to know more, or want to volunteer in some way, let me know. You can reach me at the parish office.
Mike Logeais
Staff Member
Did you know that each of us is a role model? An example to others in what we do and say?
I would like to share a story of one of my experiences (observations) since arriving in Mankato.
I have responsibility in helping with Simon Ministry. As such, I am present every week when we offer our outreach and support to those people who need some extra help. I am getting to recognize and know some of these people and I have seen them out and about in the community. They are our neighbors. In spending some time in conversation with them, I learn that they struggle with challenges, some of which were not in their control or things got out of control somehow. It was the cards of life that were dealt to them. You might have heard the expression…”God does not give you more than what you can handle”. Or, “…there but for the grace of God, go I.” In the end, it is not for us to judge.
One such individual that I have noticed at Simon Ministry is also someone that I have on repeat occasions seen at Mass here at St. John the Baptist. They clearly recognize the need for God in their life. In this case, I learned that they had an upcoming job interview that they were preparing for.
I have come to realize that our world needs each of us to reach out to our neighbor in need, whether it be a simple kind act, a supportive word, or actual assistance is some way. And remember, our faith calls us to do the same. Jesus said, “…whatever you do for the least of your brothers, you do for me.”
We are called to be Christ for one another. He works through us. So, I invite you to consider being a role model… and offer support and encouragement when and where you can. Simon Ministry is one way for you to do that. Consider volunteering to help or to supply some food for the Simon Ministry effort on Thursdays between 10:30 am and noon. There are several things that you could help with and no experience is necessary.
If you are not available during the day, there will soon be needs for volunteers in the early morning and also the evenings for helping staff the Connections Ministry, which is a joint effort with our neighbor church, St. John’s Episcopal Church in serving the homeless.
Unfortunately, people do make judgements. However, “Did You Know”… that it is our own words and actions that influence whether or not they want to be a part of our church?
What kind of a church do you want ours to be?
If you want to know more, or want to volunteer in some way, let me know. You can reach me at the parish office.
Mike Logeais
Staff Member

Journey to Justice—Parish Social Justice
Experience solidarity with the suffering, struggling, poor, in the world around us. Anchored in prayer, the Parish Social Ministry Committee works to integrate the social mission of the church in all aspects of parish life. Our committee supports and sponsors involvement in pro-life activities, service to the poor, environmental issues, and legislative activity. We are involved in assessing, strengthening, and broadening the work of charity and justice in our parish. Meetings are at 4:30pm on the first Tuesday of the months of October, December, February, April, and August. Meeting time includes prayer, education, and planning for participation in various justice activities in our parish and community. Many listed below.
Piece Makers
Our sewing group shows love to the needy by providing quilts for comfort and warmth. While working together to spread the love of Christ, a great bond of friendship is formed with all who come. No matter what your sewing skills, there is something for everyone to do. We meet the first and third Tuesday of the month from 1:00pm to 3:00pm in Matthews Hall.
Simon Ministry
Our purpose is to lighten the burdens of people in need within our parish, neighborhood and city. We offer some food and drink, personal care items, cleaning products. Hy-Vee cards and bus tokens depending on parish donations. As a volunteer you will be asked to help with set up and take down, along with offering hospitality, supportive listening and prayer. Volunteer as a hospitality minister Thursday mornings from 10:30am – Noon. We are open year around. Training provided.
Connections Shelter
This is an ecumenical effort to provide emergency shelter to those experiencing homelessness in our neighborhood. Volunteer to prep, serve food and clean up after.
Recycling/Composting Advocate
This area is really a sub-set of Stewards of the Earth but in a practical, hands-on way. We need people to help us teach others in the parish at any of our events of how and where to put any of our waste, so that we can change our habits and do more to protect our Earth from the damage we have done. This is for hands-on volunteers.
*All volunteers must complete a background check, sign a Code of Conduct, and if involved with children and vulnerable adults, must complete Virtus Training.
Experience solidarity with the suffering, struggling, poor, in the world around us. Anchored in prayer, the Parish Social Ministry Committee works to integrate the social mission of the church in all aspects of parish life. Our committee supports and sponsors involvement in pro-life activities, service to the poor, environmental issues, and legislative activity. We are involved in assessing, strengthening, and broadening the work of charity and justice in our parish. Meetings are at 4:30pm on the first Tuesday of the months of October, December, February, April, and August. Meeting time includes prayer, education, and planning for participation in various justice activities in our parish and community. Many listed below.
Piece Makers
Our sewing group shows love to the needy by providing quilts for comfort and warmth. While working together to spread the love of Christ, a great bond of friendship is formed with all who come. No matter what your sewing skills, there is something for everyone to do. We meet the first and third Tuesday of the month from 1:00pm to 3:00pm in Matthews Hall.
Simon Ministry
Our purpose is to lighten the burdens of people in need within our parish, neighborhood and city. We offer some food and drink, personal care items, cleaning products. Hy-Vee cards and bus tokens depending on parish donations. As a volunteer you will be asked to help with set up and take down, along with offering hospitality, supportive listening and prayer. Volunteer as a hospitality minister Thursday mornings from 10:30am – Noon. We are open year around. Training provided.
Connections Shelter
This is an ecumenical effort to provide emergency shelter to those experiencing homelessness in our neighborhood. Volunteer to prep, serve food and clean up after.
Recycling/Composting Advocate
This area is really a sub-set of Stewards of the Earth but in a practical, hands-on way. We need people to help us teach others in the parish at any of our events of how and where to put any of our waste, so that we can change our habits and do more to protect our Earth from the damage we have done. This is for hands-on volunteers.
*All volunteers must complete a background check, sign a Code of Conduct, and if involved with children and vulnerable adults, must complete Virtus Training.