Pastoral Care
For more information contact Mike Logeais, Pastoral Care Associate 507-625-3131.
Prayer Network Ministry by Email or Phone
Whenever there is a prayer or praise request, network members are set into motion via email or phone calling chains. Through network communications you would be asked to pray for those in need.
Communion Service Leader
Express your values and beliefs by being a Leader of a communion service at a local assisted living facility or at our parish on weekdays. Training is provided.
Communion to the Homebound
Extend the table of the Lord to our parishioners unable to come to Mass on Sunday due to illness or disability. Training provided. Flexible schedule.
Communion to the Hospital
Once a month take communion to the sick in the hospital. Eucharistic training provided if not already a Eucharistic Minister. Training also provided by the hospital for patient visiting procedure.
Visit our Parishioners in the Nursing Homes
Be a friend to our parishioners in nursing homes. Help them feel connected to our parish again. Flexible schedule.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
If you have a talent for crocheting or knitting and empathy for others, consider making prayer shawls/lap robes for the elderly or those with serious illnesses. As you knit or crochet, pray for the person who will receive the shawl. When a shawl/lap robe is given, the person receiving it will be wrapped in your prayers.
Dinner of Remembrance (Early November)
Organize dinner for families who have lost a loved one recently (past year or two).. Serve 25-30 people. Celebrated after 10:00am Mass the first Sunday in November.
*All Ministries at St. John's are subject to the Diocesan guidelines regarding Safe Environment.
Prayer Network Ministry by Email or Phone
Whenever there is a prayer or praise request, network members are set into motion via email or phone calling chains. Through network communications you would be asked to pray for those in need.
Communion Service Leader
Express your values and beliefs by being a Leader of a communion service at a local assisted living facility or at our parish on weekdays. Training is provided.
Communion to the Homebound
Extend the table of the Lord to our parishioners unable to come to Mass on Sunday due to illness or disability. Training provided. Flexible schedule.
Communion to the Hospital
Once a month take communion to the sick in the hospital. Eucharistic training provided if not already a Eucharistic Minister. Training also provided by the hospital for patient visiting procedure.
Visit our Parishioners in the Nursing Homes
Be a friend to our parishioners in nursing homes. Help them feel connected to our parish again. Flexible schedule.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
If you have a talent for crocheting or knitting and empathy for others, consider making prayer shawls/lap robes for the elderly or those with serious illnesses. As you knit or crochet, pray for the person who will receive the shawl. When a shawl/lap robe is given, the person receiving it will be wrapped in your prayers.
Dinner of Remembrance (Early November)
Organize dinner for families who have lost a loved one recently (past year or two).. Serve 25-30 people. Celebrated after 10:00am Mass the first Sunday in November.
*All Ministries at St. John's are subject to the Diocesan guidelines regarding Safe Environment.